Source code for trsfile.trace

import numpy

from trsfile.parametermap import TraceParameterMap, RawTraceData
from trsfile.common import Header, SampleCoding

[docs]class Trace: """The :py:obj:`Trace` class behaves like a :py:obj:`list` object were each item in the list is a sample of the trace. When a :py:obj:`Trace` is initialized the samples are (optionally) converted to a :py:class:`numpy.array` depending on the current type of the samples and the provided :py:obj:`sample_coding`. """ def __init__(self, sample_coding, samples, parameters=None, title='trace', headers=None, raw_data: bytes = bytes()): """ Create a new Trace. :param sample_coding: The encoding of all samples in the trace :param samples: The array of samples of the trace :param parameters: The trace parameter map that contains the trace's data and its meta information. Do not use in combination with raw_data :param title: The title of the trace :param headers: The headers of the trs file to which this trace will be added. This is an optional parameter; information from the headers may define the locations of the input, output and key data in the trace data, but it is recommended to store that information in the trace parameter map now. :param raw_data: A byte array with the raw trace data. Do not use in combination with parameters. If used, it is recommended that a TraceParameterDefinitionMap is added to the headers of the trsfile that defines the meta information of this raw trace data. """ if parameters is None: if len(raw_data) > 0: parameters = RawTraceData(raw_data) else: parameters = TraceParameterMap() else: if len(raw_data) > 0: raise Warning("Parameter map and raw data were both defined, but cannot both be used at the same time.\n" "Only the parameter map will be used, raw data will be discarded.") if headers is None: headers = {} self.title = title self.parameters = parameters if not isinstance(self.parameters, TraceParameterMap): raise TypeError('Trace data must be supplied as a TraceParameterMap') # Obtain sample coding if not isinstance(sample_coding, SampleCoding): raise TypeError('Trace requires sample_coding to be of type \'SampleCoding\'') self.sample_coding = sample_coding # Read in the sample and cast them automatically to the correct type # which is always a numpy.array with a specific dtype as indicated in sample_coding if isinstance(samples, numpy.ndarray): # Check if we need to convert the type of the numpy array if samples.dtype == sample_coding.format: self.samples = samples else: self.samples = samples.astype(sample_coding.format) else: if type(samples) in [bytes, bytearray, str]: self.samples = numpy.frombuffer(samples, dtype=self.sample_coding.format) else: self.samples = numpy.array(samples, dtype=self.sample_coding.format) # Optional headers to add meta support to data slicing (get_input etc) self.headers = headers def __len__(self): """Returns the total number of samples in this trace""" return len(self.samples) def __iter__(self): """ reset pointer """ self.iterator_index = -1 return self def __next__(self): self.iterator_index = self.iterator_index + 1 if self.iterator_index >= len(self): raise StopIteration return self[self.iterator_index] def __delitem__(self, index): del self.samples[index] def __setitem__(self, index, sample): self.samples[index] = sample def __getitem__(self, index): return self.samples[index]
[docs] def get_input(self): if self.parameters['INPUT']: return self.parameters['INPUT'].value if self.parameters['LEGACY_DATA'] is None \ or Header.INPUT_OFFSET not in self.headers \ or Header.INPUT_LENGTH not in self.headers: return None return self.__subdata(self.headers[Header.INPUT_OFFSET], self.headers[Header.INPUT_LENGTH])
[docs] def get_output(self): if self.parameters['OUTPUT']: return self.parameters['OUTPUT'].value if self.parameters['LEGACY_DATA'] is None \ or Header.OUTPUT_OFFSET not in self.headers \ or Header.OUTPUT_LENGTH not in self.headers: return None return self.__subdata(self.headers[Header.OUTPUT_OFFSET], self.headers[Header.OUTPUT_LENGTH])
[docs] def get_key(self): if self.parameters['KEY']: return self.parameters['KEY'].value if self.parameters['LEGACY_DATA'] is None \ or Header.KEY_OFFSET not in self.headers \ or Header.KEY_LENGTH not in self.headers: return None return self.__subdata(self.headers[Header.KEY_OFFSET], self.headers[Header.KEY_LENGTH])
def __subdata(self, offset, length): return self.parameters['LEGACY_DATA'].value[offset : offset + length] def __repr__(self): return '<Trace {0:s}: {1:d} samples, {2:d} parameters>'.format(self.title.strip(), len(self.samples), len(self.parameters)) def __eq__(self, other): """Compares two traces for equivalence""" if isinstance(other, Trace): return \ self.title == other.title and \ self.parameters == other.parameters and \ self.sample_coding == other.sample_coding and \ numpy.array_equal(self.samples, other.samples) and \ self.headers == other.headers return False