Source code for trsfile.engine.trs

import os
import mmap
import struct
from typing import List, Union, Dict, Any, Optional

import numpy
import copy

from io import BytesIO
from trsfile.trace import Trace
from trsfile.traceparameter import ByteArrayParameter
from trsfile.common import Header, SampleCoding, TracePadding
from trsfile.engine.engine import Engine
from trsfile.parametermap import TraceSetParameterMap, TraceParameterDefinitionMap, TraceParameterMap


[docs]class TrsEngine(Engine): """ This engine supports .trs files from Riscure as specified in the "Trace set coding" document in Inspector. This engine supports the following options: +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | +==============+===========================================================+ | headers | Dictionary containing zero or more headers, see | | | :py:class:`trsfile.common.Header` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | live_update | Performs live update of the TRS file every N traces. True | | | for updating after every trace and False for never. | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | padding_mode | Padding mode to use. The supported values are: | | | :py:attr:`trsfile.common.TracePadding.NONE` (default) | | | :py:attr:`trsfile.common.TracePadding.AUTO` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ """ _TRACE_BLOCK_START = bytes([Header.TRACE_BLOCK.value, 0]) def __init__(self, path, mode='x', **options): self.path = path if type(path) is str else str(path) self.handle = None self.file_handle = None self.traceblock_offset = None self.sample_length = None self.trace_length = None self.is_mmap_synched = False # Initialize empty dictionaries self.headers = {} self.header_locations = {} self.ignore_unknown_tags = options.get('ignore_unknown_tags', False) # Get the options headers = options.get('headers', None) self.live_update = int(options.get('live_update', False)) self.live_update_count = 0 self.padding_mode = options.get('padding_mode', TracePadding.AUTO) if not isinstance(self.padding_mode, TracePadding): raise TypeError('TrsFile requires padding_mode to be of type \'TracePadding\'') if self.padding_mode not in [TracePadding.NONE, TracePadding.AUTO]: raise ValueError('TrsFile only supports the padding mode NONE and AUTO') # Parse the mode if mode == 'r': """r = open for reading""" if headers is not None: raise TypeError('Cannot change headers when reading TRS files.') if not os.path.isfile(self.path): raise FileNotFoundError('No TRS file: \'{0:s}\''.format(self.path)) self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'rb') self.handle = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) self.read_only = True self.read_headers = True elif mode == 'w': """open for writing, truncating the file first""" if headers is not None and any(not isinstance(header, Header) for header in headers): raise TypeError('Creation of TRS files requires passing Headers to the constructor.') # Sadly, to memory map we need a file with a minimum of length 1 self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'wb') self.file_handle.write(b'\x00') self.file_handle.close() # Now we can open it properly self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'r+b') self.handle = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE) self.read_only = False self.read_headers = False elif mode == 'x': """open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists""" if headers is not None and any(not isinstance(header, Header) for header in headers): raise TypeError('Creation of TRS files requires passing Headers to the constructor.') if os.path.isfile(self.path): raise FileExistsError('TRS file exists: \'{0:s}\''.format(self.path)) # Sadly, to memory map we need a file with a minimum of length 1 self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'wb') self.file_handle.write(b'\x00') self.file_handle.close() self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'r+b') self.handle = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE) self.read_only = False self.read_headers = False elif mode == 'a': """a = open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists""" # Check if the file exists, if so, we read in the headers and that will be our LAW! if os.path.isfile(self.path): self.read_headers = True else: self.read_headers = False # We need to create an empty file # Sadly, to memory map we need a file with a minimum of length 1 self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'wb') self.file_handle.write(b'\x00') self.file_handle.close() if self.read_headers and headers is not None: raise TypeError('Cannot change headers when reading TRS files.') elif not self.read_headers and headers is not None and any( not isinstance(header, Header) for header in headers): raise TypeError('Creation of TRS files requires passing instances of Headers to the constructor.') # NOTE: We are using r+b mode because we are essentially updating the file! self.file_handle = open(self.path, 'r+b') self.handle = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE) self.read_only = False else: raise ValueError('invalid mode: \'{0:s}\''.format(mode)) self.__initialize_headers(headers)
[docs] def length(self): return self.headers.get(Header.NUMBER_TRACES, 0)
[docs] def is_closed(self): return self.handle is None or self.handle.closed
[docs] def has_trace_data(self) -> bool: return self.traceblock_offset is not None and self.handle.size() > self.traceblock_offset
[docs] def update_headers_with_traces_metadata(self, traces: List[Trace]) -> None: # Check if any of the following headers are NOT initialized: # - NUMBER_SAMPLES # - LENGTH_DATA # - TITLE_SPACE # For any of these uninitialized headers, check if all traces are the same # for these fields, and set them to that value. headers_updates = {} if self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES] is None: lengths = set([len(trace) for trace in traces]) # Check padding mode on how we are going to do this headers_updates[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES] = max(lengths) if self.headers[Header.LENGTH_DATA] is None: if len(set([len(trace.parameters.serialize()) for trace in traces])) > 1: raise TypeError('Traces have different data length, this is not supported in TRS files') headers_updates[Header.LENGTH_DATA] = len(traces[0].parameters.serialize()) # Add a TraceParameterDefinitionMap if none is present, and verify its validity if one is present if Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS not in self.headers: headers_updates[Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS] = \ TraceParameterDefinitionMap.from_trace_parameter_map(traces[0].parameters) else: for index, trace in enumerate(traces): if not trace.parameters.matches(self.headers[Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS]): raise TypeError(f"The parameters of trace #{index} do not match the trace set's definitions.\n" f"Please make sure the trace parameters match those of the other traces in type, " f"size and name.") if self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING] is None: if len(set([trace.sample_coding for trace in traces])) > 1: raise TypeError('Traces have different sample coding, this is not supported in TRS files') headers_updates[Header.SAMPLE_CODING] = traces[0].sample_coding if self.headers[Header.TITLE_SPACE] is None: headers_updates[Header.TITLE_SPACE] = max([len(trace.title) for trace in traces]) # Now update headers self.update_headers(headers_updates)
[docs] def set_traces(self, index: Union[slice, int], traces: List[Trace]) -> None: # Make sure we have proper indexing if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(index.stop) indexes = range(start, max(stop, start + len(traces)), step) else: indexes = range(index, index + 1) # Check if we are appending traces directly to the end of the file if indexes.start > self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES]: raise IndexError('No arbitrary indexing supported') # Make sure we have enough traces for every index if len(indexes) != len(traces): raise TypeError( 'The number of provided traces ({0:d}) have to be equal to the number of indexes ({1:d})'.format( len(traces), len(indexes))) # Early return if len(indexes) <= 0: return if self.padding_mode == TracePadding.AUTO: self.update_headers_with_traces_metadata(traces) elif self.padding_mode == TracePadding.NONE: # We need to verify if all required headers are set, else throw an error required_headers = [Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES, Header.LENGTH_DATA, Header.SAMPLE_CODING, Header.TITLE_SPACE] missing_headers = [header for header in required_headers if header not in self.headers or self.headers[header] is None] if len(missing_headers) > 0: raise ValueError('The following headers are not set: ' + ', '.join( [ for h in missing_headers]) + ', set these headers or use PaddingMode.AUTO') else: raise NotImplementedError('This padding mode is not supported') # If this is writing the first trace, finalize the headers if indexes[0] == 0 and Header.TRACE_SET_PARAMETERS not in self.headers: self.update_headers({Header.TRACE_SET_PARAMETERS: TraceSetParameterMap(), Header.TRS_VERSION: 2}) # Pre-compute some static information based on headers if self.sample_length is None: self.sample_length = self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES] * self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING].size if self.trace_length is None: self.trace_length = self.sample_length + self.headers.get(Header.LENGTH_DATA, 0) + self.headers.get( Header.TITLE_SPACE, 0) # Store all traces with the next sequence numbers and keep these numbers as a list for i, trace in zip(indexes, traces): # Update the trace headers to be a reference to our internal headers because that is how it is! trace.headers = self.headers # Check padding mode if self.padding_mode == TracePadding.NONE and len(trace) != self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES]: raise ValueError('Trace has a different length from the expected length and padding mode is NONE') # Seek to the beginning of the trace (this automatically enables us to overwrite) + i * self.trace_length) # Title and title padding title = trace.title.strip().encode('utf-8') if len(title) > self.headers[Header.TITLE_SPACE]: raise TypeError('Trace title is longer than available title space') self.file_handle.write(title) if len(title) < self.headers[Header.TITLE_SPACE]: self.file_handle.write(bytes(self.headers[Header.TITLE_SPACE] - len(title))) # Parameters self.file_handle.write(trace.parameters.serialize()) # Automatic truncate trace.samples[:self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES]].tofile(self.file_handle) # Add any required padding length = (self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES] - len(trace.samples)) * self.headers[ Header.SAMPLE_CODING].size if length > 0: self.file_handle.write(length * b'\x00') # Write the new total number of traces # If you want to have live update, you can give this flag and have this # automatically write to the file new_number_traces = max(self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES], max(indexes) + 1) if self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES] < new_number_traces: self.is_mmap_synched = False self.live_update_count += len(traces) if self.live_update != 0 and self.live_update_count >= self.live_update: self.live_update_count = 0 self.update_header(Header.NUMBER_TRACES, new_number_traces) # Force flush self.handle.flush() self.file_handle.flush() os.fsync(self.file_handle.fileno()) else: self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES] = new_number_traces
[docs] def get_traces(self, index: Union[slice, int]) -> List[Trace]: # check for slicing if isinstance(index, slice): # No bounds checking when using slices, that's how python rolls! indexes = range(*index.indices(self.length())) else: # Wrap around for negative index if index < 0: index = index % self.length() # Check if we are still in bounds if index >= self.length(): raise IndexError('List index out of range') indexes = range(index, index + 1) # We need to resize the mmap if we added something directly on the file handle # We do it here for optimization purposes, if you do not read, no resizing :) if not self.is_mmap_synched and not self.read_only: total_file_size = self.traceblock_offset + (self.length() + 1) * self.trace_length if self.handle.size() < total_file_size: self.handle.resize(total_file_size) self.is_mmap_synched = True # Now read in all traces traces = [] for i in indexes: # Seek to the beginning of the trace + i * self.trace_length) # Read the title if Header.TITLE_SPACE in self.headers: title =[Header.TITLE_SPACE]).rstrip(b'\x00').decode('utf-8') else: title = '' # No title parameters = self.read_parameter_data() # Read all the samples samples = numpy.frombuffer(, self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING].format, self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES]) traces.append(Trace(self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING], samples, parameters, title, self.headers)) return traces
[docs] def read_parameter_data(self) -> TraceParameterMap: # Read the trace parameters if Header.TRS_VERSION in self.headers \ and self.headers[Header.TRS_VERSION] > 1 \ and Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS in self.headers: definitions = self.headers[Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS] data = parameters = TraceParameterMap.deserialize(data, definitions) else: parameters = TraceParameterMap() # Read (legacy) data if Header.LENGTH_DATA in self.headers: data =[Header.LENGTH_DATA]) if data: parameters['LEGACY_DATA'] = ByteArrayParameter(data) return parameters
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the open file handle if it is opened""" # Close all handles if self.handle is not None and not self.handle.closed: # Make sure we write all headers to the file if not self.read_only: self.__write_headers({Header.NUMBER_TRACES: self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES]}) # Flush the mmap (according to docs this is important) and close self.handle.flush() self.handle.close() if self.file_handle is not None and not self.file_handle.closed: self.file_handle.close()
[docs] def update_headers(self, headers: Dict[Header, Any]): changed_headers = super().update_headers(headers) if len(changed_headers) > 0: self.__write_headers(changed_headers)
def __initialize_headers(self, headers: Optional[Dict[Header, Any]] = None): """Initialize the headers, this is done either by reading the headers from file or using headers given on creation""" if self.read_headers: self.__read_headers() else: self.__create_headers(headers) def __create_headers(self, headers: Optional[Dict[Header, Any]]): if headers is not None: self.headers = copy.deepcopy(headers) # Let's support dynamic sample coding depending on the trace if Header.SAMPLE_CODING not in self.headers: self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING] = None # Add any mandatory headers that are missing for header in Header.get_mandatory(): if not header in self.headers: self.headers[header] = header.default # Make sure correct trs version is set if (Header.TRACE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS in self.headers or Header.TRACE_SET_PARAMETERS in self.headers) and \ (Header.TRS_VERSION not in self.headers or self.headers[Header.TRS_VERSION] < 2): self.headers[Header.TRS_VERSION] = 2 # Finally add some additional useful headers if they are not provided # This is up for debate if some things are missing if Header.TITLE_SPACE not in self.headers: self.headers[Header.TITLE_SPACE] = Header.TITLE_SPACE.default if Header.LENGTH_DATA not in self.headers: self.headers[Header.LENGTH_DATA] = None # Write the initial headers self.__write_headers() def __write_headers(self, headers: Optional[Dict[Header, Any]] = None): """Write the headers to the file. Throws an error if an existing header element receives a new value with a different size, or if a new element is added after trace data has already been written to the trs file""" if headers is None: headers = self.headers # Cannot add a new tag into the header if trace data has already been written into the trs file new_key = False for header_key, header_value in headers.items(): if header_key not in self.header_locations: new_key = True break if self.has_trace_data() and new_key: raise IOError("Cannot add another header item if the traceset already contains trace data") # Check if we have any work to do if len(headers) <= 0: return # Save the headers for header, value in headers.items(): # Skip TRACE_BLOCK header as we write that last! if header == Header.TRACE_BLOCK: continue # Check if we have definitions for all headers if not isinstance(header, Header): raise TypeError('Cannot write unknown header to trace set') # Obtain the tag value if header.type is int: tag_value = b'\xff' * header.length if value is None else value.to_bytes(header.length, 'little') elif header.type is float: tag_value = struct.pack('<f', 0.0 if value is None else value) elif header.type is bool: tag_value = struct.pack('<?', 0 if value is None else value) elif header.type is str: tag_value = value.encode('utf-8') elif header.type is SampleCoding: tag_value = b'\xff' if value is None else value.value.to_bytes(1, 'little') elif header.type is bytes: tag_value = value elif header.type is TraceSetParameterMap: # update the trace set parameter map with data from the header and with defaults value.fill_from_headers(self.headers) value.add_defaults() tag_value = value.serialize() value.lock_content() elif header.type is TraceParameterDefinitionMap: tag_value = value.serialize() value.lock_content() else: raise TypeError('Header has a type that can not be serialized') # The tag length is easy! tag_length = len(tag_value) # Store or reuse the header_locations if header in self.header_locations: if self.header_locations[header][1] != tag_length: raise TypeError('While updating a header, the length of the value changed which is not supported') # Update the TLV value offset = self.header_locations[header][0] self.handle[offset : offset + len(tag_value)] = tag_value else: # Construct the TLV tag = [header.value] if tag_length >= 0x80: tag_length_length = (tag_length.bit_length() // 8) + (1 if tag_length.bit_length() % 8 > 0 else 0) tag += bytes([0x80 | tag_length_length]) + tag_length.to_bytes(tag_length_length, 'little') else: tag += [tag_length] tag += tag_value # If the TRACE_BLOCK was already saved, overwrite it with the TRACE_BLOCK if Header.TRACE_BLOCK in self.header_locations: - len(TrsEngine._TRACE_BLOCK_START)) self.header_locations.pop(Header.TRACE_BLOCK) self.traceblock_offset = None # Store this index for future references if self.handle.size() < self.handle.tell() + len(tag): self.handle.resize(self.handle.tell() + len(tag)) self.handle.write(bytes(tag)) self.header_locations[header] = (self.handle.tell() - len(tag_value), tag_length) # Save the TRACE_BLOCK if not already saved if Header.TRACE_BLOCK not in self.header_locations: # Write the TRACE_BLOCK if self.handle.size() < self.handle.tell() + len(TrsEngine._TRACE_BLOCK_START): self.handle.resize(self.handle.tell() + len(TrsEngine._TRACE_BLOCK_START)) self.handle.write(TrsEngine._TRACE_BLOCK_START) # Calculate offset self.traceblock_offset = self.handle.tell() self.header_locations[Header.TRACE_BLOCK] = (self.handle.tell(), 0) elif self.traceblock_offset is None: # This should never happen, but who knows?! raise NotImplementedError('Trace block offset is still None but TRACE_BLOCK TLV already in headers?!?!?!') def __read_headers(self) -> None: """Read all internal headers from the file""" self.headers = {} self.header_locations = {} # Jump to the beginning of the file (should contain TLV) # Parse all headers until the TRACE_BLOCK while Header.TRACE_BLOCK not in self.headers: # Obtain the Tag tag =[0] # Obtain the Length tag_length =[0] if (tag_length & 0x80) != 0: tag_length = int.from_bytes( & 0x7F), 'little') # Obtain the Value tag_value_index = self.handle.tell() tag_value = if tag_length > 0 else None # Interpret it header = None if Header.has_value(tag): header = Header(tag) if header.type is int: tag_value = int.from_bytes(tag_value, 'little') elif header.type is float: tag_value, = struct.unpack('<f', tag_value) elif header.type is bool: tag_value, = struct.unpack('<?', tag_value) elif header.type is str: tag_value = tag_value.decode('utf-8') elif header.type is SampleCoding: tag_value = SampleCoding(tag_value[0]) elif header.type is TraceSetParameterMap: tag_value = TraceSetParameterMap.deserialize(BytesIO(tag_value)) elif header.type is TraceParameterDefinitionMap: tag_value = TraceParameterDefinitionMap.deserialize(BytesIO(tag_value)) else: if not self.ignore_unknown_tags: error_msg = 'Warning: tag 0x{tag:02X} is not supported by the library, if you believe ' \ 'this is an omission, please submit an issue on Github.'.format(tag=tag) if tag == ASCII_LESS_THAN: error_msg += '\nHint: you appear to be opening an XML (or similar) file, ' \ 'are you sure you are opening the correct file type?' raise NotImplementedError(error_msg) self.headers[tag if header is None else header] = tag_value self.header_locations[tag if header is None else header] = (tag_value_index, tag_length) # Sanity: Check if we have all mandatory headers, if not, throw an error if we are in reading mode! if not Header.get_mandatory().issubset(self.headers): raise IOError('TRS file does not contain all mandatory headers') # Pre-compute some static information based on headers self.traceblock_offset = self.handle.tell() self.sample_length = self.headers[Header.NUMBER_SAMPLES] * self.headers[Header.SAMPLE_CODING].size self.trace_length = self.sample_length + self.headers.get(Header.LENGTH_DATA, 0) + self.headers.get( Header.TITLE_SPACE, 0) # Sanity: Check if the file has the proper size, os.SEEK_END) file_size = self.handle.tell() if file_size != self.traceblock_offset + self.headers[Header.NUMBER_TRACES] * self.trace_length: raise IOError('TRS file has an unexpected length')