Source code for trsfile.trace_set

import os
import mmap
import struct
import numpy
import copy

from .trace import Trace
from .common import Header, SampleCoding, TracePadding
from .engine.engine import Engine

# All our engines
from .engine.trs import TrsEngine
from .engine.file import FileEngine

engines = {
	'trsengine': TrsEngine,
	'fileengine': FileEngine,
ENGINE = 'engine'

[docs]class TraceSet: """The :py:obj:`TraceSet` class behaves like a :py:obj:`list` object were each item in the list is a :py:obj:`Trace`. Storing the :py:obj:`TraceSet` requires knowledge on the format which is resolved through the usage of storage engines (:py:obj:`Engine`). """ def __init__(self, path, mode = 'r', **options): # Defaults self.engine = None # Get the storage engine if one is given, else default to TrsEngine engine = options.get(ENGINE, TrsEngine) if ENGINE in options: del options[ENGINE] # We also support engine to be passed as string if isinstance(engine, str): engine_name = engine.lower() if not engine_name.endswith(ENGINE): engine_name += ENGINE if engine_name not in engines: raise ValueError('The storage engine \'{0:s}\'does not exists'.format(engine_name)) engine = engines[engine_name] # Check type if not issubclass(engine, Engine): raise TypeError('The storage engine has to be of type \'Engine\'') self.engine = engine(path, mode, **options) def __del__(self): self.close() def __iter__(self): """ reset pointer """ self.iterator_index = -1 return self def __next__(self): self.iterator_index = self.iterator_index + 1 if self.iterator_index >= len(self): raise StopIteration return self[self.iterator_index] def __enter__(self): """Called when entering a `with` block""" if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Called when exiting a `with` block""" self.close() def __repr__(self): if len(self) <= 0: return '<TraceSet (0), empty>' else: return '<TraceSet ({0:d}), {1:s}, ... ,{2:s}>'.format(len(self), repr(self[0]), repr(self[-1])) def __len__(self): if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') return self.engine.length() def __delitem__(self, index): if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') if self.engine.is_read_only(): raise TypeError('Cannot modify trace set, it is (opened) read-only') return self.engine.del_traces(index) def __setitem__(self, index, traces): if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') if self.engine.is_read_only(): raise TypeError('Cannot modify trace set, it is (opened) read-only') # Make sure we have iterable traces if isinstance(traces, Trace): traces = [traces] # Make sure we only are setting traces if any(not isinstance(trace, Trace) for trace in traces): raise TypeError('All objects assigned to a trace set needs to be of type \'Trace\'') return self.engine.set_traces(index, traces) def __getitem__(self, index): if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') traces = self.engine.get_traces(index) # Return the select item(s) if isinstance(index, slice): return traces else: # Earlier logic should ensure traces contains one element! return traces[0]
[docs] def is_closed(self): return self.engine.is_closed()
[docs] def close(self): if self.engine is not None: self.engine.close()
[docs] def append(self, trace): self[len(self):len(self)] = trace
[docs] def extend(self, traces): self[len(self):len(self)] = traces
[docs] def insert(self, index, trace): # TODO: Not yet implemented nicely #self[index:index] = trace raise NotImplementedError('Insert has not yet been implemented for TraceSet, please raise a Github ticket for priority!')
[docs] def reverse(self): return self[::-1]
[docs] def update_headers(self, headers): if self.engine.is_closed(): raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed trace set') return self.engine.update_headers(headers)
[docs] def update_header(self, header, value): return self.update_headers({header: value})
[docs] def get_headers(self): return self.engine.headers
[docs] def get_header(self, header): return self.engine.headers[header]
def __eq__(self, other): """Compares two trace sets to each other""" if not isinstance(other, TrsFile): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False # Not using any, because we want to stop as soon as a difference arises for self_trace, other_trace in zip(self, other): if self_trace != other_trace: return False return True